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Freelance Writing Popularity on the Rise

Over the past few months, I have noticed one thing to be true: the popularity of freelance writing is on the rise. I base this observation on a number of factors, including the large number of inquiries I have received for my freelance writing course. In short, more people than ever are interested in learning how to take their love of writing and turn it into a full-time career.

In my opinion, there are a couple of reasons for this:

1. Lack of “traditional” jobs. Let’s face it: the job market is down and unemployment numbers are quite high. For this reason, more and more people are finding it difficult to land a position – even one that they are not 100 percent interested in.

2. Interested in flexibility and less stress. When you work for somebody else you are always under their thumb. From your hours to your pay and much more, you have to do what you are told – and sometimes that isn’t even enough to keep your job. Along with this, the stress that is placed on you can become unbearable at times. As a freelance writer, you have more flexibility since you are in charge (for the most part). Along with this, once you get on the right track your career probably won’t be as stressful.

On the surface, it may appear that a career as a freelance writer is all “fun and games.” Although this is a great path to follow, there is still a lot of work involved. Remember, running your own business is nothing like working for somebody else. Writing will only be part of your job. To go along with this, you will be in charge of everything from sales and marketing to collecting payments.

If you want to become a freelance writer – full or part-time – I encourage you to follow your dream. Just make sure you know what you are getting into before you take the leap.

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1 Comment »Freelance WritingFebruary 7th, 2012

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