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How to Deal with Freelance Writing Failures

Potential downfalls are everywhere if you work in the freelance writing industry. When it comes down to it, you are going to fail time after time. But guess what? There is nothing wrong with this. Remember, if you are not failing you are not trying to advance your career. While some freelance writers may see failure as a bad thing, you need to look at this is a way of growing and taking your career to the next level.

Here are three ways to deal with freelance writing failure:

1. Turn every failure into a positive situation. For instance, if you are turned down by a publication after sending a query, this can be disheartening. But instead of looking at this as a bad thing, you should attempt to turn it into a positive. You can do this by taking the rejection letter, studying it, and then pulling and implementing the positives that will allow you to have a better chance of success in the future.

2. You need to learn from every mistake that you make. If you continually make the same mistakes, you are going to find it difficult to advance your career. No matter what industry you work in, it is very important to learn from any mistake that you make. As a freelance writer, I make mistakes every week. Some are worse than others, and in some cases I am not the only one effected. No, making mistakes is not fun, but when you learn from them you have a better chance of being near perfect in the future.

3. Are you extremely cautious about trying new things within your freelance writing career because you are afraid to fail? Dealing with this situation can be difficult, and if you are having a hard time moving forward with new ideas, you are not alone. Early in my freelance writing career I became comfortable with doing things the same way, day in and day out. While there was nothing wrong with this, it was a rut that did not allow me to experience a lot of growth. You cannot let the fear of failure hold you back from trying new things within your career. 

Failing is an important part of a successful freelance writing career. As noted above, if you are not failing from time to time, you are not taking enough chances.

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