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How many Hours should you Work?

Over the past few weeks I have had several freelance writers attack me via email for working too many hours. They seem to be doing this because they feel that I am not a “real freelance writer” because I often times work long hours in order to make time to take on jobs that are less than what they consider high paying.

This leads me to the question of: how many hours per day should a freelance writer work? In my opinion there is no way to answer this question. If you can work a few hours per day and earn a full-time living, you should go for it. On the other side of things, if you like to work longer hours or need to do so in order to achieve success, that is fine as well. Unlike an office job, there is nobody telling you that you have to work eight hours between 9 and 5. The great thing about being a freelance writer is that you can work when you want, and for as long as you want. If you get your work done and make your money, there is no reason that you should change what you are doing.

I think that every freelance writer should run their career in the way that they best see fit. Sure, I can offer tips and suggestions, but when it comes down to it you are the one who needs to make the decision on how to move forward. If everybody tried to emulate how I work, they would not have their own success. And the same thing holds true if I were to listen to those who think that working too much is always a bad thing.

All in all, you can work as many hours per day as you please. As long as you do not burn out, you should be just fine. If somebody tells you that you are working too many hours, keep in mind that hard work is the quickest way to freelance writing success! 

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7 Comments »Freelance WritingApril 7th, 2008

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