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Common Reasons for Freelance Writing Burnout

In many ways, being a freelance writer is much better than a traditional office job. But at the same time, writing is not always an easy thing to do, day in and day out. Every project requires special care and attention to detail. To go along with this, it can often be difficult to leave your freelance writing work behind and enjoy the rest of your life. In the long run, all of these potential downfalls can lead to burnout. Many writers never suffer from this, but there are quite a few who are going through this problem right now or will encounter this situation in the future.

Here are three reasons that you may begin to suffer from freelance writing burnout:

1. Do you feel like you have “maxed out” as far as your income is concerned? This can definitely lead to burnout. When you feel that you are stuck at a certain level of income, it is time to reassess your career and determine what you can do to increase your productivity. With all of that being said, this is not always a bad thing; especially if you are sitting at an income that you are comfortable with.

2. It is common for freelance writers to get bored because they feel as if they are doing the same thing everyday. There used to be times when I would run into this problem, but as of late it has not come up nearly as much. The best way to avoid this issue is to accept a wide variety of projects, while also working on tasks that are not 100 percent freelance writing related. For instance, I run this blog as well as my writing course. Both of them allow me to bring diversity into each day.

3. Are you feeling the pressure of working for yourself? Do you miss the security of a 9-5 job? These feelings can lead to burnout sooner rather than later. This is perhaps the most serious situation that you will have to deal with. After all, it will force you into deciding between continuing your freelance writing career or heading back to a job with more security.

As of late, more and more freelance writing professionals have been asking me for help overcoming burnout. Unfortunately, this is usually a problem that you have to deal with on your own. Even though there are some basic reasons for burnout, each writer has different feelings and unique ways of dealing with these problems.

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