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Since talking about the benefits of starting a blog, I have received a few questions about how much success I have with Although this blog is far from being the biggest or most well known, it is something that I enjoy immensely. To go along with this, it has grown quite a bit as of late.

Last month, received approximately 5,000 unique visitors. Is this a lot? When compared to some blogs on freelance writing and making money online, the answer is no. By overall, it is not too shabby. Personally, I do not keep close tabs on my traffic. Instead, I judge the success of the blog by how many people I help. And judging by the emails I have been receiving as of late, this is quite a few.

If you follow the blogging industry, you are well aware that the number of RSS readers a blog has can be a big deal. I am a regular reader of many blogs that boast a readership of 20k or more. As you can see by taking a quick peak at the right sidebar, my RSS number hovers right around 220. While this is far from 20k, I have been making some progress in this area. If you have yet to sign up, you can do so traditionally or you can opt to receive updates via email; either way works.

Just like my freelance writing career, I set goals for the progress of By the end of the year, I would like to increase traffic to 7,500 uniques per month. To go along with this, I am hoping to crack 350 RSS readers. These may seem like modest goals, but for somebody who does not know much about SEO or technology, they are just fine for now!

4 Comments »BloggingMay 6th, 2008

Make Time to Blog

Over the past week or so I have received a few emails from aspiring freelance writers asking if it is a good idea to start a blog. Although there is no right or wrong answer to this question, I always tell them the same thing: blogging is a great way to express your personality, while also making contacts. To go along with this, it is a form of writing so it is something that should come semi-naturally.

Many freelance writers do not have enough time to blog on a regular basis. This is a common problem, and one that can be frustrating. I think it is important to make time for this blog for two reasons:

1. It is a great way for me to give back to other freelance writers. Even if every post does not help, hopefully a few of them lend tips and advice that can be useful to a large number of readers.

2. I enjoy blogging because it helps to break up my day. Hour after hour I am working on freelance writing projects for others, but when I blog I am writing for myself. There are no guidelines to follow or clients to please; I can do what I want.

If you do not have a blog and are an aspiring freelance writer, you should take the time to start one right away. You do not have to post once per day like I do, but it is definitely a great way to help others and express your opinions while working on something that you can call your own. 

4 Comments »Blogging, Freelance WritingApril 26th, 2008

Can Blogging help my Freelance Writing Career?

As of late I have spoke with several aspiring freelance writers who all asked the same question: can blogging help my career? In my opinion, blogging is only natural for freelance writers. After all, it is a great chance to not only write, but to hopefully make some contacts along the way.

When I first started this blog I did not have much direction. Generally speaking, my main goal was to simply help others who were interested in becoming a freelance writer. Over time the shape of the blog began to become clearer, and I think I have finally honed in on the direction that I want to take.

There are two ways that this blog has helped my freelance writing career. First off, it has brought a few clients my way; several of them pay quite nicely. This is not the main goal of the blog, but it is definitely an added bonus. While my blog doesn’t make much money through traditional advertising, I get some added income from clients who find me here.

Additionally, blogging has also afforded me the opportunity to connect with many others. For instance, Michael Kwan, who runs one of my favorite blogs, recently sent a client my way. He did not have the time to work with the client, but thought of me. Would I have received this referral if I did not run this blog? Of course not. Connecting with others as a freelance writer is so important for many reasons. Sure, it can help you to find more work, but as somebody who works at home, it is always nice to have people to correspond with via email, instant messenger, etc.

Although I update this blog at least once per day, this is not a frequency that you have to follow. Anytime that I am asked, I tell aspiring freelance writers that it is a great idea to start a blog.  

4 Comments »Blogging, Freelance WritingMarch 29th, 2008

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