Freelance Writing Course

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  • "Your course has taught me a lot about freelance writing. I particularly enjoy the daily emails. My income is on its way up!" - Sheila Escuro

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Get Inside the Mind of a Successful Freelance Writer

As of late, many aspiring freelance writers have been asking me what they can do to better their career. Although everybody is unique, the one thing you should try to do is get inside the mind of a successful freelance writer. In other words, learn from those who are already doing what you are trying to accomplish. This is what I did when I started out as a freelance writer, and soon enough it began to payoff.

What can I learn from others? Shouldn’t I spend most of my time gaining firsthand experience? While you definitely want to work on building your career, there is nothing wrong with picking up advice from a handful of freelancers. Below are just a few things you can learn:

1. How to market your services. If you have the chance, you will definitely want to speak with other freelance writers about how they drum up new business. This is a big part of becoming a freelance writing success – make sure you focus on this detail as much as you can.

2. How to make the most of the freelance writer – client relationship. While this is something you have a “feel” for, you can learn the ins and outs from freelancers who have already made the mistakes you are trying to avoid.

3. Money, money, money. A freelance writer who has been around the block a few times can give you advice on how to set your rates, what to do when a client isn’t paying, where to turn for more lucrative jobs, and much more. When it comes to money, you can learn a lot from an experienced freelance writer.

If you have the chance to get inside the mind of a successful freelance writer you should take full advantage.

Comments OffFreelance WritingApril 14th, 2010

Use the Internet to learn more about Freelance Writing

So, you want to learn more about freelance writing? If you are reading this blog post it means that you are online – and this is a great place to start. As you know, the internet is full of information on anything and everything that you can think of. This definitely holds true when it comes to freelance writing.

Here are three ways you can use the internet to learn more about freelance writing:

1. Read blogs and websites, such as this one. I offer a lot of information on freelance writing including tips on getting started, how to market your services, and much more. Of course, my blog is only the tip of the iceberg. There are many others that offer just as much information. While you don’t want to waste your entire workday scouring the blogs of others, when you have some time this is a great way to learn.

2. Read what others are writing. I enjoy writing sports related feature articles. For this reason, anytime I get the chance to read a story by one of my favorite sportswriters I take advantage. If you have a particular interest, find others who are writing about it and see if you can take any cues from them.

3. Find a mentor or join a freelance writing course. If you are looking for a mentor or need one-on-one help, the best place to turn is the internet. You may be surprised at how many people are willing to answer your questions if you just ask – a simple email can open up many opportunities.

To increase your knowledge of the freelance writing industry, use the internet to your advantage.

Comments OffFreelance WritingApril 13th, 2010

6 Figure Freelancer Course

Thanks to the success of my freelance writing course over the past couple of years, I have had the privilege of working with many readers on a one on one basis. Some have gone on to become full-time freelancers; others are still working their way to the top. Although every member is unique in their own way, they all share the same goal: to learn as much about freelance writing as possible.

In this post, I want to introduce you to another program: the 6 Figure Freelancer Course.

This course is managed by a friend of mine, Wes Young. Let me give you some more information on our relationship before moving forward. Several years ago when I was starting my freelance writing career Wes hired me as a content writer. While sending consistent work, he was always the type to offer additional information on everything from writing to SEO and everything in between. I guess you could consider him one of my “mentors from the early days.”

As I have noted in the past, the more help you get when starting your career the better off you are going to be. While my freelance writing course has a lot to offer, it is safe to say that it is entirely different than this one. I have my own way of teaching and presenting information, just as you have a unique way of learning. You will find that jumping into another program, such as the 6 Figure Freelancer Course, can really help move you along.

Here is some more information on the guy in charge:

1. 10 years experience as a freelancer

2. Author of a traditionally published book

3. Successful ghost writer of two books, and counting

4. Written over 500 freelance articles for various publications

If you want to learn more and maybe even get started, visit the 6 Figure Freelancer Course today. This is just one more resource that can help you grow your career.

Comments OffFreelance WritingApril 12th, 2010

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