Freelance Writing Course

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  • "Your course has taught me a lot about freelance writing. I particularly enjoy the daily emails. My income is on its way up!" - Sheila Escuro

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Use the Weekends to work on your own Projects

Are you the type of person who likes to work on the weekends? Although this may not sound like fun, if you choose to work on the right projects it can lead to a very good time. Personally, I use the weekends to work on my own projects. This is not always the case, but it is something I try to stick to for the most part.

When you say your “own projects” what do you mean? For me, this means my blog, new websites I am developing, books, etc. This includes pretty much anything that I am doing for myself, as opposed to a client.

The reason that I prefer to work on my own projects during this time is that I don’t have to be 100 percent on top of my game. I can take breaks when need be, while also working at my own pace. With client work I like to be able to sit down, focus on the task at hand, and complete the project. On top of this, there is no room for error. This is not to say that I want to make mistakes on my projects, but I know there is always time to go back and sure things up.

If you have any time on the weekend for work, think about focusing on your own projects. This is a great way to stay involved while still being productive. Soon enough you may find that your projects are earning just as much as those you are completing for clients.

2 Comments »Freelance WritingMarch 22nd, 2010

Freelance Writing Course Expansion and Discount

There are two features of my freelance writing course that are important: 1. I only take on 20 students at a time. 2. To get involved it costs $100/month. While these two details have worked out well over the past couple of years, I want to change things up just a bit.

Due to an increased demand in 2010, I am going to open up five more spots each month – bringing the total to 25. This will give more of you the chance to join and learn without having to wait.

Another thing I am doing is lowering the cost from $100/month to $75/month. But there is a catch. This is going to be for one month only. Those who are already part of the course will also receive the discount – no need to worry! So, if you are interested in joining, now is definitely the time to do so. Not only do you have a very good chance of snagging an empty spot, but you can do so at a discounted rate for the first month.

To get started, send me an email right away. Although there are five open spots, with a long waiting list they will go fast.

If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment or send me a personal email. I am looking forward to working with more of you guys and gals in the months to come!

Comments OffFreelance WritingMarch 19th, 2010

Start Freelance Writing even if you are not fully prepared

Are you interested in starting a freelance writing career? Many people answer yes, but for whatever reason they never take the leap. Instead, they blame this on not being fully prepared. Although there is a lot that goes into becoming a freelance writer, you have to realize a few things:

1. You will never know everything. If you are waiting to learn it all before getting started you will find yourself treading water, day after day. I have been a freelance writer for more than four years, but still don’t know everything about the industry. Just like any career, everyday is a learning experience.

2. There is nothing wrong with learning as you go. When I started my freelance writing career I knew a little bit, but was convinced that learning as I moved forward was the way to go. Once you have basic knowledge of the industry and what you want to accomplish, the other details can be picked up as you move forward.

3. Sometimes you have to trust that you are doing the right thing. There is no way of knowing for sure that freelance writing is the right career for you. But if you continually put this off you will never know for sure if you can make it. It can be stressful to start a new career – no matter what it may be. That being said, there is a point when you have to trust yourself and take the leap.

Every month I speak with aspiring freelance writers who want to get started but are lagging behind because they are not fully prepared. Hopefully the above three details will open your eyes and make you realize that you can get started even if you are not as prepared as you think you should be.

1 Comment »Freelance WritingMarch 18th, 2010

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