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Avoid long breaks during your workday

Before I go any further, I want to say one thing: as a freelance writer you need to take breaks. This helps to keep both your mind and body fresh. That being said, you want to avoid long breaks during your workday. This way you do not lose track of what you are doing and find yourself having to “start back up” time after time.

How long is too long? Only you can answer this question. I like to take a small 15 minute break in the morning for breakfast, a bit longer for lunch, and maybe a couple minutes in the afternoon. Of course, there are days when I have to leave the office for a client meeting, to cash a check, etc. When this happens, it goes without saying that I am away from my desk for a longer period of time.

The problem with long breaks is that they get you out of the groove. Just as you are settling in and getting a lot of work done you are pulled away. When you finally return to your work you find that you are off track and struggling to pick up where you left off.

No matter how long of a break I am expecting to take, I never leave in the middle of a project. Instead, I like to finish the task at hand before leaving my desk. This makes things easier upon my return.

For me, long breaks are a detriment. This may be different for you. If you are struggling with how long your breaks should last, experiment a little bit here and there. Soon enough you will find the schedule that works best for you. 

Comments OffFreelance WritingDecember 16th, 2009

How can I become a better Writer?

I receive many emails asking one basic question: how can I become a better writer? If you work as a freelance writer it is often times simple to overlook the fact that you are good at what you do. There are many people out there who would love to write for a living, but just don’t have the skills to do so.

Here are three tips that I always give people who want to become a better writer:

1. Practice, practice, practice. If you want to become a better writer you have to sit down and work on your skills. This is not something that is going to come over night. But as you write more and more, day in and day out, you will find that things are getting better for you. Soon enough you may be able to sell yourself as a freelance writer and begin to get paid for your work.

2. Emulate others. What are other writers doing that works for them? Don’t be afraid to read the work of other writers to see what you like, don’t like, etc. You may be surprised at how much you can learn by simply reading what others have written.

3. Ask for help, advice from others. There is nothing wrong with asking others for help. Those who send me an email asking how they can become a better writer are taking the necessary steps in moving forward. You never know when you are going to pick up that one tip that helps you move your career to the next level.

If you want to become a better writer you should practice, read the work of others, and ask for help when needed. These tips may not turn you into the greatest writer in the world, but they are sure to help on some level.

1 Comment »Freelance WritingDecember 15th, 2009

Invest in your Freelance Writing Career

Starting a freelance writing career means starting a business. For this reason, you need to be ready to invest from day one. If you are not serious about your business how can you expect clients to get on board and pay you for your work? Over the years I have found that the right mindset is important to overall success as a freelance writer.

There are two things you need to invest in your freelance writing career:

1. Time. If you are not willing to work long and hard you are probably going to fail as a freelance writer. In the beginning it will take a lot of your time to get up and running. Remember, you are in charge of everything from administrative tasks to marketing. And on top of everything, you never want to neglect your actual writing work. In the early days of my career I was putting in 10 to 12 hours at a time. While this may be a bit much, the more time you invest the more chance you have of succeeding.

2. Money. Although you do not have to invest much money to start a freelance writing career, there are some expenses that you are sure to face. For instance, many new writers are forced to purchase a computer, printer, and office supplies. Yes, these expenses can add up. The good thing is that you are not spending money just to do so. Instead, you are buying items that will help you better your career. This is anything but a waste of money.

No matter if you are a new freelance writer or have been around the block a few times, investing both time and money in your career is very important.

2 Comments »Freelance WritingDecember 14th, 2009

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