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Make Extra Time for your Freelance Writing Aspirations

No matter if you are working as a full-time or part-time freelance writer you have to make time for your career aspirations. In other words, it is important to give yourself enough time to reach all your goals. This can be difficult if you are working part-time, but far from impossible. I know quite a few freelance writers earning a full-time income by working a few hours per day. There is no reason that you cannot be next in line.

How are you going to make the time to chase your freelance writing dreams? There are many ways to do this. The question is: are you willing to make the proper changes to your life?

The first thing you must do is decide if you are working full or part-time. Are you going to keep your day job? If so, part-time work is right for you. I have found that working early in the morning and late at night is a great way to add more hours to your schedule. If you have the free time to write before or after your regular job you will find it easier to make progress on your goals.

On the other hand, if you are working as a full-time freelance writer you already have a lot of time available. It is how you use this time that is important. Are you wasting hour after hour on projects that don’t matter or browsing the internet? Being efficient with your time is very important. If you cannot complete all necessary tasks in eight hours you have two options: 1. become more efficient. 2. Work more than eight hours. I have done both in the past, and this has helped me reach more of my goals.

If you want to achieve freelance writing success you have to make time for your career. Don’t let anything stop you from reaching your goals.

2 Comments »Freelance WritingAugust 17th, 2009

Don’t Forget to Work on Administrative Tasks

Yesterday I spent the better part of the afternoon working on administrative tasks. While this may sound like a quick job, it actually took me two to three hours. Even though I would have rather been writing all the tasks needed completed at some point in time. Running a successful career means working on administrative tasks here and there. It may be boring for you, but in the long run you will realize that it is something that must be done.

What does this entail? When I think of administrative tasks the first thing that comes to mind is paying bills. This is what I was doing yesterday, and while not difficult, it was time consuming. Not only did I have to write out checks for all the appropriate bills, but from there I had to stow away receipts and chart deductions. The more bills on my plate the longer it takes to complete the process.

There are other administrative tasks that come up as well. For instance, next month is a big tax month. I have to send a quarterly payment to both my state and the federal government. This means more time writing out checks, filling in forms, and making sure that everything is in order.

It is easy to get lazy when completing administrative tasks. But remember, you have to stay on the ball from beginning to end. One mistake now could lead to more problems later. Next month, if I don’t pay the right amount in taxes it will mean more that I owe down the line. And that is not something I want to deal with.

As a freelance writer it is safe to say that your favorite task is writing. But to have a successful career you must also work on administrative tasks when necessary.

2 Comments »Freelance WritingAugust 14th, 2009

Two Openings in my Freelance Writing Course

After a month at full capacity, I have two openings in my freelance writing course for August – September. Over the past few weeks I received more than 10 emails asking about my next opening, so I figured making a new post would be the best way to let everybody know what is going on.

If you want to grab one of these two spots, contact me today. As usual, I expect them to stay available for 24 hours or less. So if you don’t want to wait for another month (or longer) be sure to send me a quick email expressing your interest.

Over the past few months the course has developed quite a bit. It is interesting to look at where things started to where they are right now. Even though I strongly believe that I have always offered something of great value, it is easy to see that the current state of the course is far more advanced than the early days. I have made changes on my end, but most importantly my members have helped to shape the course/lessons into what it is today.

I am looking forward to working with a couple more of you in the days to come!

Comments OffFreelance WritingAugust 13th, 2009

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