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A Good Workspace Yields better Results

I strongly believe that a good workspace can help any freelance writer increase efficiency and achieve better results. Early in my career I did not have a dedicated freelance writing office. Fortunately, this changed soon enough and when it did I definitely began to feel better about my career and the future.

Does this mean that I need to have a dedicated workspace? Of course not. Simply put, some people do not have enough room in their home for an office only space. It is nice if you do, but if you don’t you can still make it work. The key is to stay organized no matter how big of a space you are using. Even if you are only working in one small corner of your bedroom, you can use this space to your advantage if you are organized and smart about the way that you set everything up. Over the years I have found that an unorganized office, no matter how big or small it may be, is one that is hard to work in.

It is up to you to decide what a good workspace looks like. Some people don’t need much in their office to thrive. Others need a lot of space, the right atmosphere, and more. Even though this post is meant to get you on track, I am not the person who should be telling you what your office should look like. You have to make this decision on your own.

You have the ability to tweak your office until it is exactly what you want. If something seems out of place, change it. If you like the results you are seeing, keep things the same for the time being.

Your workspace is what you make of it. I have seen many great home offices in small spaces, as well as offices in large rooms that are full of clutter and are a total mess. Remember, a good workspace can help you achieve better results.  

Comments OffFreelance WritingJune 17th, 2009

First Step to Becoming a Freelance Writer

Are you interested in becoming a freelance writer? There is a very good chance that you are reading this blog because your answer is yes. Before you decide that this is the career for you, it is important to ask yourself the right questions and to be aware of the steps that you will have to take. The first step in becoming a freelance writer is very important. Everybody has a different opinion on the steps you should take to become a freelance writer. I feel that step number one is determining why you want to follow this career path.

If you don’t know why you want to become a freelance writer you should never move forward. There are many reasons to join the industry. You may want to do so because you love writing. Or maybe you want to become a freelance writer because you are searching for a job that offers more freedom. You don’t have to defend your reason for wanting to become a freelance writer. You just need to have a solid reason for moving in this direction.

I strongly believe that everything else will fall into place once you take the first step. I decided to become a freelance writer because I was tired of working for other people, and I always had a great interest in this field. This was enough to propel me into the industry, and soon enough it was obvious that I made the right choice.

Every aspiring freelance writer has a different reason for wanting to take on this career path. As long as you know what is driving you to become a freelance writer you should have a solid surface to stand on, as well as a great platform for moving forward.

3 Comments »Freelance WritingJune 16th, 2009

How to learn more about Freelance Writing

As basic as it sounds, some aspiring freelance writers do not know how to learn about the industry they are interested in joining. They have an interest in getting involved with freelance writing, but are unsure of how to learn more about this career and what it offers. Fortunately, this is not something that should slow you down for too long. If you have any sort of research skills you can learn a lot about every aspect of freelance writing. This is even more so the case if you are willing to part with a little bit of money and/or speak with those who are already successful.

One of the best ways to learn about freelance writing is to search and read online for hours on end. This is what I did when I first became interested in being a freelance writer. I spent a lot of time reading freelance writing blogs, websites, articles, and much more. Anything I could get my hands on was something I read. Remember to bookmark any sites that are of interest to you.

What about freelance writing books? There are many good ones out there. Head to and search for books on this topic; you will find hundreds of them. While you don’t want to buy every book on freelance writing, chances are that you will find a few quality ones to purchase. Read the reviews from others before deciding what to spend your money on.

You can also speak with other freelance writers. This is one of the main reasons that I started my freelance writing course. I wanted to give aspiring writers a way to learn the ropes, while also giving them the chance to ask specific questions. If you are looking for a mentor of sorts, you can join my freelance writing course. Do you personally know any freelance writers? If so, ask them if you can pick their brain for a few minutes. You may be surprised at what you can learn in a short period of time.

If you are interested in becoming a freelance writer you should learn as much as you can before making your final decision. A well prepared beginner is one who has a good chance of future success.

1 Comment »UncategorizedJune 15th, 2009

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