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Weekend Quick Tip: Steal Hours when you can

If you are a freelance writer it does not mean that the rest of your life is going to stop. You may have kids at home during the day, or other errands that you must take care of. In this case, it is safe to say that your freelance writing schedule is going to be turned upside down from time to time. You need to learn how to steal hours when they are available.

I love working a set schedule, but as a freelance writer I have the ability to mix up my hours if necessary. Anybody else who works as a freelancer probably has the same freedom. If you are interrupted during the day for one reason or the next you will need to steal hours later on to ensure that you get your work done. For instance, I have been working 7 am to 4 pm. If for some reason I would have to leave the office for three hours, I would steal this time back later in the day. I would probably tack on these three hours to the end of my usual day and stay at work until 7 pm or so.

Having a set schedule is great, but it is even better to know that you can change things around to accommodate other areas of your life. If you can’t follow a regular schedule there is nothing wrong with stealing hours when you have the time. This may not make things easy, but you should be glad that you have the freedom of a freelancer.

Guess what? If you work a regular 9 – 5 office job your boss isn’t going to let you take time off during the day if you promise to make it up at night. You should never take the freedom of being a freelance writer for granted.

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1 Comment »Freelance WritingOctober 19th, 2008

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