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How to Go from $100/Week to $100/Day in Freelance Writing Income

What type of income goals have you set for yourself as a freelance writer? No matter who you are or how much experience you have you need goals to chase. Many new freelance writers start with the goal of earning $100 per week. This is a great starting point, and is so for a common reason: it is possible to reach but not so easy that everybody can do it. What happens when you want more from your career? This is when you may decide that you want to move from $100/week to $100/day in income.

Before I go any further keep in mind that this is not a move that is easy to make. To go along with this, it is not a goal that every freelance writer shares. Some of you will not aspire to earn $100/day and others will be reaching for much more.

The following tips are meant to help you take your income from $100/week to $100/day:

1. Know what you are doing right. This is an important step to take if you are ready to move your income to the next level. Once you know what you are doing right you can begin to duplicate it time after time. For instance, if your clients love your SEO articles you may want to think about making this your specialty. Stick to what you are doing right and what you do best.

2. Scale, scale, scale. In other words, do more work for more clients. If you are only making $100/week it is safe to say that you are not working with a large number of clients. As you gain more clients it is only natural that your income will begin to spike.

3. Find higher paying jobs. Contrary to what is noted in point number two, there are some freelance writers who do a lot of work for a little bit of money. This may be acceptable when starting your career and while you are attempting to gain traction. But if you want to see your income at the next level you need to find clients that are willing to pay you more.

4. What would a “tip list” be without talking about marketing? The easiest way to increase your freelance writing income is to become a marketing machine. No matter what you should find time to market your services on a daily basis. Check out this past post – How to Market your Freelance Writing Services.

By implementing the above tips you will find that moving from $100/week to $100/day is more than possible. 

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1 Comment »Freelance WritingJanuary 7th, 2009

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