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Face your Freelance Writing Fears

Over the years I have found that many people don’t become freelance writers for the same reasons. These “freelance writing fears” are not always easy to overcome. In fact, some people don’t even try. Instead, they decide that becoming a freelance writer is not worth it and they in turn put their career on the back burner.

If you want to overcome your fears you have to face them head on. Some that you may run into when trying to become a freelance writer include:

1. General fear of the unknown. Anytime you start a new job you are sure to be a bit scared. Not only will you be scared of what the future holds, but you may also be worried that you do not have what it takes. This is something that all aspiring freelance writers face. Fortunately, once you settle in you will realize that there was nothing to worry about in the first place.

2. Not earning enough money. There are a lot of myths surrounding the freelance writing industry. One of the most common is that freelancers cannot make as much money as those with a more traditional position. This is not the truth now and never will be. You may not have a steady paycheck, but as a freelance writer there is a lot of potential to earn big money.

3. Others will talk about me. Believe it or not, I have heard this “fear” many times over the years. Some people want to please everybody around them, including friends and family. They are afraid of what others will say about becoming a freelance writer, and for this reason they never move forward. You should never feel like you have to please people in your life. Do what is best for you right now. If your friends and family truly care for you, they will support your decision.

If you are worried about becoming a freelance writer you are not alone. The above fears are common, but none of them should stop you from reaching your goals.

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1 Comment »Freelance WritingDecember 22nd, 2009

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