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Develop your Freelance Writing Career Step by Step

No matter what career path you choose, it is safe to say that you will have to start at the bottom of the ladder. In other words, you cannot be a CEO before you pay your dues somewhere along the line. The same thing holds true if you decide to become a freelance writer. It is important to develop your freelance writing career step by step over time. You don’t want to put any unnecessary pressure on yourself early on by setting goals that are unattainable. If you do this, you will become frustrated with your career and its path in no time.

The steps that you take when developing your freelance writing career are up to you. Although I had a mentor of sorts when starting in this business, I more or less did things my own way. Did I make some mistakes? I sure did. But that being said, these mistakes, along with many successes, helped to shape my career. It is up to you to decide which steps you are going to take.

Although I can’t tell you what to do, the first step in becoming a successful freelance writer is having short and long term goals. Know where you want to go, and how you are going to get there. To go along with this, it is important to have a business and marketing plan in place as well. Although my goals and plans have changed time after time, I have always had something to strive for. This type of structure can go a long way in helping you build a successful freelance writing career.

As you move from step to step you will find that your career is advancing nicely. Early on, you may find that each step is only taking you a little bit closer to your goal, whatever it may be. But as you gain more traction within the industry, you will find that each step is now doing more in terms of career growth and income.

If you take a step by step approach to developing your freelance writing career you will be on the right path to future success. 

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