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Common Worries of Freelance Writers

Are you a freelance writer? If so, you have a lot to worry about. Okay, I am not trying to scare you. Instead, I just want you to know that worrying is part of becoming a freelance writer. This is something that I do from time to time, and you are probably the same way.

What are some of the most common worries of freelance writers? Here are a few:

1. Not making enough money. I list this as number one because I think it is the thing that bugs the majority of freelance writers; especially those who are new to the industry. When you work as a freelance writer you have to come to grips with the fact that you are not going to receive a paycheck every two weeks for the same amount – this is not how things work. Even though money can be a major concern, once you are established you will realize that this is not really that big of a deal. You will get on board with regular clients that are willing to pay you a good amount of money every month. This does not always come easy, but it will come in time.

2. Not finding work. As noted above, landing new clients is not a simple process. Just like every freelance writer I go through draughts in which I don’t close any deals for an extended period of time. Don’t let this get you down. Soon enough things will change and you will be back feeling good about yourself.

3. I will have to work too much. This is something I have never worried about because I love my job. In fact, I could work for 15 hours a day and never think twice about it. Of course, I try to avoid too many hours because it is not good for you from a mental or physical perspective. There is no denying that you will have to work long hours early in your freelance writing career. But remember, things will settle down over time.

These three worries are shared by many freelance writers. It is easy for me to sit here and say “you don’t have any reason to worry.” The fact of the matter is that you are always going to worry about something. As long as you work hard and are doing all the right things, you will see that you are moving in the right direction.

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